Saturday, July 02, 2016

Rethinking Amitriptyline


I've given amitriptyline two chances now. I even upped my dose to 50mg at night for insomnia. While I do eventually fall asleep, I tend to sleep too much and then feel out of it for a while and then the dizziness hits in the evenings.

I've also started experiencing headaches and feel on edge, very anxious without reason. I can feel a panic attack coming. This is unusual for me because 99% of the time I know why I am anxious and what causes me to panic. It's rare that it comes out of left field.

I've also been feeling more depressed but I'm not sure if that's related to this med.

I'm tapering it tonight. I just took 25mg instead of 50mg and I'll see how I react to the dosage decrease.

Sonia / Author

I'm a writer; a lover of speculative and dystopian fiction; a zealous nonfiction reader. I hate censorship in all its forms and will only delete spam comments.


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