Monday, July 04, 2016

Done With Amitriptyline


I gave it a second shot but it didn't do shit for me, except making me dizzy every day, more anxious, increased my panic attacks, killed my appetite and made it ridiculously difficult to piss.

At 50mg with the above side effects and hardly helpful for my insomnia, I reduced the dose to 25mg the day before yesterday and simply stopped at that. I took 2mg of Ativan the next night, slept great, felt normal and had no withdrawal. Which is odd given that seven years ago while trying to come off 10mg, I experienced withdrawal symptoms. They didn't last long, maybe two days. Seven years later at 5X the dose, no withdrawal? Perhaps, the length of time on it--only a couple of months this time--is why.

That's the only positive. I'm glad I'm off it. Now if I could just stop being so suggestible, neurotic and paranoid and learn to trust my own gut feeling instead of always acquiescing to the suggestions and opinions of 'experts.'

Sonia / Author

I'm a writer; a lover of speculative and dystopian fiction; a zealous nonfiction reader. I hate censorship in all its forms and will only delete spam comments.


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